About Me

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I am living and working in Downeast, Maine. This is an isolated place still in need of good internet services, good coffee and good company.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Learning more about Lucia....

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

Today I learned a bit more about my daughter Lucia.  We had an appointment with our not-so-local orthodontist in Ellsworth...about an hour and a half drive, if you are driving too fast most of the way!  Lucia has no 12 year molars on the bottom of her mouth.  Her top molars are in, yet they are a bit mis-shapen and they each have tiny cavities.  A Panorex x-ray showed that no wisdom teeth are in the picture, or rather, the mouth!  This visit was planned to get a second opinion about dental implants.

A few months ago, implants were recommended.  "Yikes!" was all I could utter then, with the dentist right there.  It seemed like such an extreme measure to take for my young daughter....and within the year no less.  Also, implants are quite an expense....each one requiring several steps and costing upwards of $3,000.00 for each tooth.  Really an impossibility....at this time.

I was reassured that implants are not necessarily needed in Lucia's case.  All of her other teeth are in good health and excellent condition.  Her back upper molars may eventually impinge on her lower gums, but at that time the teeth can be ground down a bit or even removed if necessary.  That also may not happen.  The orthodontist did say that Lucia needs to continue, ad infinitum, her excellent care of her teeth, which I'm sure she will. SHE is greatly relieved to know that implants do not necessarily play a part in her future....at least not NOW!

As for me, I will be making an appointment for Lucia to have those cavities filled, even though they are in those weird 12 year molars that may have to come out one day.  The teeth may last a lifetime and simply require normal maintenance and cleaning.  Implants not only require money, time, and effort to put into place.....it is said that they also require a lot of maintenance that can be rather costly, in order to keep them in good working condition over a lifetime.  So, 15 - 100 years.....that's 75 years worth of extra, costly care if Lucia lives a good, long life.

I think for now, our decision lies with that old belief that "less is more" and we will do our best to work well with the teeth we've got.  And we are glad that having no wisdom teeth fits right in there with the "less is more" maxim!

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Fresh Start....Musings from Downeast

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted here.  I am hoping to record updates of my academic pursuits both personal and professional, for the record.  This summer I am practicing my Mandolin which I have owned for quite some time....at least two years....but have not learned to play.  I am making an effort this summer to learn at least ten easy songs.  My first accomplishment has been to play "Happy Birthday" to my brother Peter Cannizzaro.

I have also just received back my father's clarinet.  My father passed away five years ago.  He left me his beautiful wooden clarinet, and I have let it lie dormant for many years.  My daughter has recently taken up the clarinet and is playing a student model which was procured for me by my brother Vito Cannizzaro. The school music program has not provided much incentive for her to play and I am hoping to inspire her through participation.  I had the instrument entirely cleaned and refurbished by Ellis Music Company in Bethel, Vermont.  The clarinet is shining and bright with newly silvered keys, replaced pads and oiling.  I hope I will be able to bring it to life again and play music with my daughter Evyenia.

Aside from music, I attended a Summer Conference on Language Learning and the Common Core Standards.  This event was presented by WIDA, and hosted by Project Reach, at the University of Maine Orono campus.  On my first morning there, I was greeted by a former student, whom I taught in 1st grade (!).  She was working in the cafeteria for the summer session.  FUN!
I am our school's ESL Coordinator of Services.  I am on the lookout for students who need language support as they navigate their educational pathways in a mainstream classroom.  My students are those learning English, while they are also learning in the classroom.  I work with foreign born students, exchange students, and Native American students.
The conference helped many teachers from around the state to network and work with both the WIDA Language Standards and the Common Core Standards to think about meeting the needs of our respective students.  One very important key here is that every teacher is a language teacher, and many of the conference attendees went home with plans to share some pertinent language teaching points with their colleagues.  I hope we all do!!!!!

Coming soon:  Clam Aquariums in the classroom....another visit to the Downeast Institute in Jonesport, Maine.  My teaching partner and I are going to learn how to grow algae, which we will need to feed our clams this year.  Something new for us and for our students!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wow! Where did Summer go?!?

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.
It's been a quick, yet fulfilling summer.  The weather has been alright most of the time, and spectacular part of the time too!  The garden is filling in and we are eating fresh vegetables most evenings now.  I have certainly missed the many connections to my study group @ Full Sail University.  We are passing notes here and there by way of email.  With my studies completed, I do feel a sense of accomplishment and freedom.  I have yet to receive an official closing document!  I was unable to attend the physical graduation.

One bit of good news...I have been accepted to present some of my Full Sail work at the Christa McCauliffe Technology Conference in November, 2011.  The venue is in Manchester, New Hampshire.  I am a bit apprehensive about it, but also very excited and eager to share my thoughts and findings.  One classmate will likely be there, and I hope we'll be able to meet in person.

As for beginning a new school year, I am going up to a new grade level.  I'll be teaching third grade after 18 years with grade one students.  I am so eager for this change, and to continue my technology research with slightly older and more able students.  I plan to put myself and my class through the paces again, much as I did last year, in trying so many new ways to enrich and enhance our learning experience in the classroom through the use of multimedia, and other technology applications.

My family has been a bit slow in realizing that my time is less tied and that I am more available for them and their needs.  Not to worry, I've been catching up on my leisure reading, some sewing, and visiting with friends and family.  Alas, Summer must move into Fall....and I AM READY!

South Branch Pond, Baxter State Park, Maine

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week4_Leadership and Publishing Presentation Post

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.
Here, I have prepared a presentation to share my Action Research project with others.  I hope to effect positive change in my own teaching practice, as well as to encourage colleagues to integrate technology into their's, if they have not done so already.  Many of our students are using technology outside of school for several hours each week.  We can harness the enthusiasm that technology brings to students and show them the value of using digital technology for learning and skill development.  A 21st century education requires 21st century tools for learning and access to information.  By embracing the tools, we can make a positive impact on student achievement NOW!
Here are my two Think Out Loud Posts where I consider how to share my Action research project:
Here is a link to my Presentation:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Week4_Think Out Loud Blog Post #2 / Leadership and Publishing

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.
I am researching conferences and publications in which I may participate at a state level.  Two possibilities include the Association of Computer Technology Educators of Maine (ACTEM) and Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI).
One possibility....


About ACTEM : "ACTEM empowers its members to leverage new and existing technology innovations to meet educational goals by facilitating communications among educators, technology leaders, vendors, policy makers, and educational visionaries."
Another possibility...

About MLTI:  "The Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) seeks to provide professional development and 21st Century tools to middle and and high schools to support the attainment of the Maine state standards, the Maine Learning Results."
Of the two associations, ACTEM provides guidance and opportunities for all grade levels, while MLTI is focused mainly on middle and high school level ideas and materials.  My presentation about integrating technology into an elementary classroom may find a better fit with ACTEM.
I also was introduced by a classmate to the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference in Manchester, N.H.  This is an annual event. 

2011 Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference
CMTC 2011 is again located in Manchester at the
Radisson Hotel & Expo Center of New Hampshire
(across from the Verizon Center)
November 29 - December 1, 2011

This year, the conference encourages presenters to submit proposals:
You are invited to submit a proposal(s) for a presentation at the 2011 Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. This year's conference offers participants a wide variety of presentation options. Please review the selection of opportunities listed below. Individuals representing all academic disciplines, all instructional levels, and all aspects of instructional technology are encouraged to submit proposals. 
This conference just may be the ticket for presenting for my first time.  I can submit a proposal by May 30th and possibly present this fall!  We'll let you know what happens.

Wk4_Blog: My Response to Hunter Looney

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.
A post from Hunter Looney....

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011

Week 4 Blog Post 1: Reading Giving Way to Passion


My Response:
I would like to sum up what I believe the author is saying. Stay unencumbered. Get out from behind the roadblocks that we set up for ourselves and the roadblocks that others set up. After you get rid of the roadblocks then you can then dive fully into your passion. Whatever that may be.


Ann Cannizzaro said...
Hunter, It seems that all educators have moments of holding back, and hanging on to the familiar. I like your word, "unencumbered". I also like the idea you express about getting out from behind the "roadblocks". In my first grade classroom, we learn about reading roadblocks. We learn a number of strategies that can help a reader get around any reading roadblock. The three most basic questions are: Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense? Using specific strategies along with these three questions, a good reader can move himself or herself along any road to reading. Educators need to employ a variety of strategies when working to follow their passions in the classroom. Stay true to the mission. Engage the possibility for students. Do what you love and you will love what you do. These are just a few good suggestions I might make to you and others. Thanks for your post.....and for Tatooine!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wk4_Blog: My Response to Anne Alsup

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 4 BP#1 Final Reading, The Art of Possibility

As teachers we are expected to be a lot of things to a lot of people. We're expected to do great things, with limited resources. Expected to smile everyday and inspire the masses, even when the masses take us for granted and sometimes worse. It can be a tough job and sometimes we allow the institution to beat us down, but it is in those times that we must rediscover the track back to the world of possibilities. When so much of what we do as teachers is beyond our control, it is important to adopt the concept of "being the board."

Assigning blame is rarely productive in situations where nothing can be changed and there is no consequence due. It is much more productive to find a "we" attitude that works within the board to find solutions that allow everyone an opportunity for success. Vision and passion require more than being adequate. Living life to the fullest demands an investment into the lives of others, born out of an investment in the self.

Practicing enrollment means taking responsibility for not only what you do, but also what is done to you. In many respects it asserts that you will not be a victim of circumstances. Valuable time can be wasted waiting for someone to come to the rescue when the power to change your circumstances lies within the framework you invent for yourself.   


Ann Cannizzaro said...
Anne, You demonstrate great insight in your response to this week's reading. It's true that we are expected to be many things to many people, sometimes in the face of harsh judgements. It can be difficult to embrace a vision and reveal a passion when you are repeatedly criticized for circumstances and events beyond your control. Teachers as a whole have been condemned for so long...how do "WE" as a group, transform the current conversation. How do "WE" transcend the popular views and build a Vision that everyone can stand behind and benefit from, to become "US"? As you suggest, Enrollment may be a healthy first step. Thanks for your post.

Wk4_Reading_The Art of Possibility

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

This week’s reading from The Art of Possibility, by Benjamin and Rosamund Zander puts the reader on an inward journey.  The reader is gently pushed to consider the truth, of how events, actions, and relationships out in “the world”, are perceived and connected to one’s self.  We are meant to reconsider our own perspective and look further inward at how our thoughts color our own attitudes and actions.
Taking on the “being the board” stance will definitely take some practice and getting used to.  It means taking a greater responsibility over a wider area of influence.  Rather than looking out for #1, and towing the line, it emphasizes the need to go one step further to exact some change, an action or event, some greater participation.  It means making a commitment which one can often shrink away from doing.  Time and energy are factors that can limit one’s ability or inclination to participate in change.
The words of Barbara Waugh, of Hewlett Packard Laboratories, “start slow…and work small”, speak volumes to me.  My approach to change is just that…..think on a grand scale, and take baby steps toward the goal.  Sweeping change is too overwhelming and frightening for people.  I’d much rather build successive steps that maintain the foundation, while rising bit by bit, upwards to the possibilities that change can bring.
As I read these final chapters, I remembered the quote by Marianne Williamson before it appeared in the text.  It was reassuring to see that my mind is already in the realm of possibility.  The line that speaks most strongly to me is this: “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…”.  Somehow, I feel that I have held myself back, for fear of not being good enough to realize my potential.  This book has pushed me to work my way through those feelings of insecurity and continue, steadfast, on the journey. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wk3_Blog: My Response to Meghan Bassett

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

Meghan Bassett's Blog Post

Wk3 Reading: Art of Possibility Chapters 5-8

In the first chapter Leading From Any Chair, I couldn’t help think about my mother. She works in a school as the secretary to the principal. The principal received an email last week that a report needed to be ran. He never told my mother or the person that was supposed to run the report, but my mom found out from another school. When she brought it up that he may have missed an email, he said he never received it. A few hours later, after going back to him again, he forwarded the email and said he had just gotten it (which we all know, emails are time stamped). Instead of admitting his own mistake, he, like the conductors, tried to let it slide and hoped no one noticed.
The mere act of kindness and acknowledging that other people help you do a job is severely under-used. If you give ANY kind of praise to people who are helping you, or even say thank you to them, it brings up esteem and also encourages people to continue to work hard for you. I guess we could all work on this in different ways. I personally could work on always encouraging my students in ways that they are doing well. I can be sarcastic, which doesn’t work well with all of my students.
The next Chapter, the Rule number 6, took a more person attack on a way I’ve been feeling for a week now. I was very betrayed by someone I thought I could trust. A friend of mine told another friend of mine something very personal, and very atomic. I knew that the word had spread, and I wasn’t sure of where it had started. I found out and instead of confronting the issue, I recoiled and hid from everyone. Here, I need to follow Rule number 6, and stop taking myself so seriously. People talk, and say things that aren’t theirs to say, and sometimes there are things that get said that we don’t want said. It’s a part of human nature, and if I really didn’t want anyone to know, I wouldn’t have said it in the first place. I’m still hurt, but I’m letting it go in my own time.
The Way Things Are…I’ve always tried to see the cloud with a silver lining, and look on the bright side of things. A much easier said than done thing to accomplish. I’m one of those people, once I start feeling negative, everything that’s negative seems to find me. I’m sure that has everything to do with the way I am looking at things, rather than the world being out to get me. If we can laugh and play with the bad things that happen to us, a much more light hearted attitude would be had by everyone around us!
I would love to give way to passion more. Sometimes we are so stuck in living life day to day we forget to give in to the natural flow of life an energy. I try to recognize the energy around me, but I’ll be honest…the only real times I feel a surge of energy run through me are when I’m by the ocean watching the waves, or listening to music and painting. Then I can truly let passion run through me and I feel at one with everything around me.

Ann Cannizzaro  said...
Meghan, You always speak with so much honesty and truth. You have shared in your post some difficult situations that we can all recognize. It is likely that we have all encountered similar problems in our work lives. I find that the most difficult situations at school arise from mis-communications, lack of communication, and lack of vision and leadership. The problem with not having good leadership from administration, is that many others will try to step into position and make decisions that aren't theirs to make. This causes feelings of frustration, mistrust, and even fear amongst the staff. Everyone wonders why "so and so" is calling the shots, and not the principal. Lack of communication is a problem with the adults at school and the students. Parents also come into play in many situations. Routine notices and monthly newsletters can go a long way in alleviating many communications issues. Finally, mis-communications often happen through the rumor mill. We can all help to end rumors and model clear communications in the way we handle difficult situations at school. Thanks for your post.
Image from Google Images

Wk3_Blog: My Response to Peter Binskin

Ciao! Now here's something new from Ann Cannizzaro.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wk3 Reading - The Art of Possibility (chapters 5-8)

The sign that now resides above my desk.

The more I read the book the Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Ben Zander (2000) the more I love it. It’s been a comforting read as well as quite entertaining. Thank goodness for a book that makes me want to read it to see what the next chapter is going to reveal.
For me the major highlight from these four chapters (5-8) was the Rule number 6 focus in chapter 6. Even though I have a tendency to joke around to alleviate tense situations it’s usually a cover-up for the stress I’m bringing into the situation. I tend to think very much using my calculating self even though I think I am using my central self. It would be nice, some time, to actually have the presence of mind that Roz Zander portrays in this book to break things down and find a different, more positive collaborative way to get through a problem. I have now created a little sign of my own for every time I feel myself taking things too seriously.
Another thing I took away from these chapters was the idea of leading from any chair. It really came across as an empowerment piece and I was wondering how often as a teacher I squish students like the overbearing conductor just to get through the day. On Sundays I play guitar at church and afterwards I mentor a few teenagers in their playing. It’s funny how I can be the sort of person Ben Zander talks about, not being judgmental or desirous of credit as the boys get better in their playing, but supportive of them personally as they see themselves through their playing. Maybe I relax more with music than with core subjects.


Ann Cannizzaro said...
Peter, I often realize too late when I am taking things too seriously. There is usually an uncomfortable moment or event that happens as the signal that finally gets through to my calculating self. Then, when I "lighten up", things suddenly become much easier to manage. I find that when I allow the students in my classroom to become part of the control mechanism, then we are able to work well together to accomplish all that we want to get done. This week I made it a point to include students in the plans for classroom activities and our testing schedule. We made a plan to cooperate while testing was going on, and incorporate extra projects into our work this week, that students would work on independently. We are watching videos from our Schoology Life Cycle class, and completing projects based on our viewing activities. I have had the best testing sessions. It has been a "win-win" process for all of us.